Running with Problems
A podcast about the lives of runners and the problems we face.
Running with Problems
Sobriety and Running with Camille and Hannah
Before the episode, Jon recaps his San Diego 100 experience (race report). On the episode, we interview our friends Hannah and Camille on their alcoholism, journey to sobriety, recovery, and all of that’s relationship to running and ultrarunning.
If you or someone you know is having trouble with addiction, please consider taking the AA Self-Assessment.
Follow @runningwithproblems on Instagram for future updates. Send questions or audio messages to or @runningwithproblems on Instagram.
Theme music by Matt Beer. Follow him on Soundcloud.
Thanks for listening to Running With Problems. Follow us on Instagram @runningwithproblems. DM us there with questions in text or audio messages! Or email us at
Hosted by Jon Eisen (@mildly_athletic) and Miranda Williamson (@moderately_athletic). Edited by Jon Eisen. Theme music by Matt Beer.